Friday, January 17
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Мы будем признательны, если вы разместите на своем сайте одну из наших кнопок » Catalogue » Adding site

Thank you for your decision to add your site into our catalogue!

1. You can locate in our catalogue any site or link related to the Murmansk region free of charge. After filling in our registration form the catalogue will check your site and if it's added to the catalogue you will get a confirmation massage to your registered e-mail address.

2. The catalogue guide has the right to locate your site not in the category you've pointed. It can happen if the topic area of your site doesn't correspond with the chosen category. The guide can also navigate any existing site into another category if its topic area has been changed or if there have been some changes in the structure of the catalogue itself.

3. The site's heading, description and key words can be changed as well, if they don't correspond with the actual content, or contain advertising slogan, or inaccuracy and so on.

4. We don't accept for location in our Catalogue:
- resources that contradict the Russian Legislation (contain propaganda of violence, racial hatred, pornography etc.);
- personal pages, which don't have any clear theme and interesting only for a small circle of persons familiar with the page author;
- sites with the important informative parts being in development;
- spam.

5. Before adding please check the site's presence in the catalogue. If the site is already located, you can change some data about it, using this form.
You don't need your login and password to do it. Please be careful filling in the information about your site. The fields marked with * are obligatory for filling in.
* URL:
* Heading:
*Control question:7+5 =
(enter right answer by letters)
Key words:
Contact information as well as commentary are used by the catalogue guide for business purposes and are not divulged to the third parties.
Your name:
* E-mail:

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