17Bullets Game Development Studio
Studio of game projects engaged in professional game development for such platforms as iOs (iPhone, iPad, iPod) and Android.
Added: 08.10.12, hits: 1112, per week - 3 | Modify | Delete
Group of companies "Aures" (Murmansk region)
1C: Enterprise 7.7, 8. Integrated automation companies. Sales, service, installation, setup software 1C. Finalization of configurations for the specifics of the enterprise.
Accounting consulting. Accounting and tax reporting for organizations and individual entrepreneurs. Integrated subscriber service management and accounting in the Murmansk region.
Added: 18.08.10, hits: 2289, per week - 5 | Modify | Delete
Actad, LLC
Rendering of complex services on automation of the enterprises on the basis of software products "1C". Designing, installation and adjustment of local computer networks. Sale, introduction and support of software products of firm "1C". Automation of retail shops. The electronic tax reporting.
Added: 06.06.08, hits: 2292, per week - 4 | Modify | Delete
1С: Enterprise 7.7, 8.0: sale, introduction, service
Sale, introduction and support of programs 1С 7.7 and 8.0. The automated input of primary documents from paper carriers (commodity waybills, invoices and other patterns) in 1?: the Enterprise. Completion of software products in view of specificity of activity and requirements of the customer. Service of the enterprises of Murmansk and Murmansk Area, including remote.
Added: 25.01.08, hits: 3177, per week - 5 | Modify | Delete
The company "Cascade". Integrated avtomazatsiya - 1C: Enterprise 7.7, 8
Sale of software products 1C. Integrated automation companies. Remote service. Sales of licensed software of leading developers.
Added: 12.06.10, hits: 1603, per week - 3 | Modify | Delete
B1Team Software
English description is not available.
Added: 31.01.11, hits: 1433, per week - 3 | Modify | Delete
Linux in Murmansk
The site is devoted to all beginners linuxmans cities of Murmansk.
Added: 18.08.05, hits: 2485, per week - 3 | Modify | Delete
MLSoft - development of the software
Development of the software.
Added: 23.04.06, hits: 3401, per week - 5 | Modify | Delete
MS Access - Bricks
Development of applications on Microsoft Access. Designing of databases. Examples and decisions. Receptions and modes of work. Programming on Visual Basic.
Added: 26.10.00, hits: 2730, per week - 3 | Modify | Delete
NetSL Consulting, Ltd.
Information consulting. Introduction of the information automated systems. Training of employees of the enterprises to work with systems of automation. Support and servicing.
Added: 25.07.01, hits: 3866, per week - 4 | Modify | Delete
proud.ru - professional progression
Web-design, Flash, 3D modelling, programming. Portfolio work.
Added: 29.08.03, hits: 3340, per week - 4 | Modify | Delete
V-Soft Studio (Apatity)
Soft development by order.
Added: 24.11.04, hits: 3038, per week - 4 | Modify | Delete
The automated System of the Payment (ASOT) is intended for calculation of wages by worker and serving in its various forms in any regions of Russia.
Added: 27.11.00, hits: 2739, per week - 3 | Modify | Delete
AT Service, Ltd. [Under Construction]
The enterprise specializes on rendering of professional services in the field of information technologies: support and administration software, maintenance service, development of an infrastructure, outsourcing, systems of safety IT, systems of group work, portal decisions, etc.
Added: 12.04.04, hits: 3716, per week - 4 | Modify | Delete
ArsSoftComplex, Ltd.
Accounting programs: the Sail, SV-INFO. Adjustment, training, support. Complexes for hotel-restaurant business. Kaspersky's anti-virus protection. Computer networks.
Added: 18.11.05, hits: 2219, per week - 3 | Modify | Delete
Garant-Murmansk [Under Construction]
The Garant-Murmansk: the federal legislation and the legislation of the Murmansk region in one program.
Added: 29.10.03, hits: 2798, per week - 3 | Modify | Delete
The group of companies "Korund"
Automation of business on a platform of "1C: Enterprise"
Added: 18.06.12, hits: 1819, per week - 5 | Modify | Delete
Center of accounting and business
Educational activity, solutions in the sphere of computer nets, development of computer programs.
Added: 27.06.03, hits: 4584, per week - 5 | Modify | Delete
Integro Group
Comprehensive IT-outsourcing in Murmansk and the region. Sales, support and training 1C. Hardware and software maintenance on the system PC HelpDesk. Setting up the phone. Restore your PC after the hardware and software failure. Setup and installation of the network with the possibility of further administration. Contact Center from scratch.
Added: 04.10.13, hits: 528, per week - 2 | Modify | Delete
ITSI company
Complex automation of the industrial enterprises and the organizations: development of the software, delivery of systems and development of subsystems of engineering document circulation, support and service delivered program and hardware, delivery of hardware and the software.
Added: 14.03.04, hits: 3249, per week - 4 | Modify | Delete
KolaBusinessConsulting 1C:Franchisee
Sale of software products, introduction, consultations, training, information-technological support.
Added: 29.11.08, hits: 2288, per week - 4 | Modify | Delete
Advanced Systems and Computers (Apatity)
Company «ASC». Providing quality and affordable services in the field of computer supplies, appliances, supplies and software. We operate as retail and wholesale, cash and cashless payments.
Added: 10.12.13, hits: 887, per week - 3 | Modify | Delete
Compass accountant, LLC
Accounting services cost accounting and budgetary organizations. Connecting the electronic reporting. Priced line consultation. Support software 1C. Contracts.
Added: 09.02.13, hits: 1011, per week - 3 | Modify | Delete
Computer shop and service center of "Computer-Max" (Gadzievo)
Computer shop and service center of "Computer-Max" in Gadzhievo. Sale of computers, laptops, repair and service of computer technics for legal entities and private individuals.
Added: 17.11.11, hits: 1579, per week - 4 | Modify | Delete
System ConsultantPlus use as a reliable assistant to many specialists: lawyers, accountants, heads of the organizations, and also experts of the state bodies, scientists and students. It contains a huge array of legal and reference information.
Added: 21.04.12, hits: 1096, per week - 3 | Modify | Delete
Leader - IT-service
Wide range of services in information technology: installation LVS, the delivery, the development, refinement software, business automation, maintenance of the network infrastructure (IT outsourcing), IP telephony and video surveillance.
Added: 27.02.15, hits: 450, per week - 2 | Modify | Delete
Computer Repair. Licensed Software in Murmansk. 1C: Enterprise. Anitivirusy. Software Application.
Added: 18.02.14, hits: 635, per week - 2 | Modify | Delete
Scientific technical firm "Complex systems"
Specialised organisation in the field of informatization, connecting to fish industry. Development, implementation and maintenance of automated systems in the field of industry. Monitoring of the environment, system of marine and coast communication.
Added: 27.09.00, hits: 3675, per week - 4, Photo | Modify | Delete
NordLink, Ltd.
Computer help legal systems "ConsultantPlus". Information for partners.
Added: 14.03.04, hits: 2448, per week - 3 | Modify | Delete
Development, maintenance and promotion, surveillance, PC administration, installation of networks.
Added: 31.10.12, hits: 974, per week - 3 | Modify | Delete
Sorbis, Ltd.
Automation of management and the account at the enterprises, sale of software products, consultations, training of users, information-technological support.
Added: 25.12.07, hits: 2598, per week - 4 | Modify | Delete
SpecTek Murmansk (The other)
Representation in Murmansk. Development of program complex TRIM and introduction on its basis of the corporate information systems intended for management by a fixed capital (EAM), managements TS and repairs of the equipment of the enterprises. Granting of consulting services on подготове the enterprises to certification on conformity to standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001.
Added: 31.01.07, hits: 2509, per week - 4 | Modify | Delete
StartX, Ltd.
Murmansk web site development
Professional web design, thorough programming.
Added: 12.02.06, hits: 3926, per week - 5 | Modify | Delete
Техника и технологии, ООО
IT services for business. 1C. Accounting systems, CRM, solutions for automotive business, housing and construction. Design, development sites, portals, online stores. Internet advertising and promotion, SEO.
Added: 12.06.14, hits: 5487, per week - 24 | Modify | Delete
TechnoGrad, Ltd.
Selling computers. Price-list, services, catalogue, support.
Added: 20.10.04, hits: 16286, per week - 22 | Modify | Delete
Centre of Certified Training "AURES"
Centre of Certified Training "AURES" 1C company established for the conduct of training courses on "1C:Enterprise 8". The training is conducted in the center of the city in a comfortable, equipped classroom. Each student receives a tool developed by the firm of 1C and after the training - the personal testimony of a single sample.
Added: 12.08.11, hits: 1074, per week - 2 | Modify | Delete
Consulting Project Centre
Management information systems: development, implementation and support. Experienced team of professionals - more than 200 successful projects. Training and consulting services.
Added: 01.07.09, hits: 2543, per week - 5 | Modify | Delete
What to Do Consult (The other)
Information about the company. News. Systems ConsultantPlus. Service. Training. Quotations.
Added: 14.03.04, hits: 2654, per week - 3 | Modify | Delete
Economic Consultant - ConsultantPlus in Murmansk
Help legal systems "ConsultantPlus". Information for users. The price-list. Clauses. On-line seminars.
Added: 26.09.00, hits: 3046, per week - 3 | Modify | Delete