Arbitration court of the Murmansk region
News. Arbitration system. The review of practice. Documents. An operating mode. Assessors. Legal bases.
Added: 10.02.06, hits: 3736, per week - 3 | Modify | Delete
The state inspectorate for small vessels of the Murmansk region
News, information. Exams, phones rescuers MO. Photos.
Added: 22.12.11, hits: 747, per week - 1 | Modify | Delete
Murmansk Inspection FFGU of the Russian Marine Register of Shipping
Certification of quality of enterprises and organisations on correspondence of international standards of type 900 and 14000 and management systems of safety to requirements of International Codex on ships safety exploitation management and prevention of pollution.
Added: 17.11.03, hits: 2078, per week - 1 | Modify | Delete
Murmansk center of standardisation, meteorology and certification
Presents government standards of Russia in the Murmansk region. Provides state control and supervision for observance of essential requirements of government standards in the region.
Added: 25.09.00, hits: 2261, per week - 1 | Modify | Delete
Murmansk regional department of the all-russia voluntary fire society
Murmansk regional department of the all-russia voluntary fire society. News. History. Goals and tasks. Articles Of Association
The governing bodies. Structural subdivisions. The Partners. How to become a member of the VDPO. International cooperation
Added: 22.12.11, hits: 1230, per week - 1 | Modify | Delete
Office of Public Prosecutor of the Murmansk region
News. History. Structure, a management. Legislation. A virtual reception.
Added: 17.08.06, hits: 4231, per week - 4 | Modify | Delete
Investigatory Departnment of Investigatory committee
The information. News. The schedule of an enrolment of citizens. Search. Reception on service.
Added: 07.03.09, hits: 1803, per week - 2 | Modify | Delete
State Inspection of safety of road traffic of Мurmansk
News. Report on road and transport accidents. Base of hijacked cars. Information bureau. Exceptions of rule of the road of countries of the Barents region. Education.
Added: 15.01.04, hits: 5335, per week - 4 | Modify | Delete
UMNS of Russia in the Murmansk region
News. The tax laws. The state registration and the account of tax bearers. The tax reporting. In the help to the tax bearer.
Added: 11.06.04, hits: 4596, per week - 4 | Modify | Delete
Department of Federal Agency of execution of punishments in the Murmansk region
Official site DFSEP of Russia on Murmansk area. History. A management. Divisions. Activity. The information for citizens. News, announcements of events, press releases. Vacancies.
Added: 26.03.09, hits: 3656, per week - 4 | Modify | Delete
Federal Service for Drug Control in the Murmansk region (Murmansk region)
Official site of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for control of drug trafficking in the Murmansk region. Guide. Legislation. Drug prevention. Treatment of citizens.
Added: 10.02.13, hits: 777, per week - 1 | Modify | Delete
Department of Federal service of judicial police officers in the Murmansk region
History, structure and activity of management. The legislation. The information for citizens and the organizations. Press-service. Competitive tenders. The arrested property.
Added: 12.05.08, hits: 3077, per week - 3 | Modify | Delete
Department of home affairs of the Murmansk region
History. Heads. Divisions. Information for citizens. A criminal report, news, announcements of events. Wanted. Public reception.
Added: 31.03.05, hits: 7094, per week - 6 | Modify | Delete
Department on affairs of a civil defence, extreme situations and fire safety of Murmansk area
The information on management. Activity. Structure. A report. Extreme situations. Fire conditions. Press releases. Press conferences. Fire-tactical doctrines. Monitoring of mass-media.
Added: 12.07.08, hits: 3337, per week - 3 | Modify | Delete