In Murmansk there will be a park [Archive]
News from public hearings. The information. The project of city park.
Added: 27.12.05, hits: 1564, per week - 2 | Modify | Delete
Waste cadaster of malting and smelting industry of the Murmansk Region
Systemised code of information about waste of main and subsidiary industries, their quality and quantity characteristic, and also placements, shown in skeleton maps.
Added: 30.11.00, hits: 1858, per week - 2 | Modify | Delete
Map of household waste disposal
The second life of things. Map household waste disposal: paper, glass, plastic bottles, old electronics, clothing and more.
Added: 01.02.13, hits: 634, per week - 2 | Modify | Delete
Kola regional association "For safety of drinking water and food"
Statement of regional monitoring of pollution of drinking water, food products and water food rations in the region. Conduction of independent researches on safety of drinking water and food.
Added: 15.09.00, hits: 1651, per week - 1 | Modify | Delete
Kola Environmental Center (Apatity)
Murmansk regional public organization "Kola Environmental Center" was founded in 1992. Member of the Socio-Ecological Union.
Added: 25.12.15, hits: 226, per week - 1 | Modify | Delete
Lapland Biosphere Reserve (Murmansk region)
News, contacts. History, activities. Tulomskaya reserve. Reserve Map. Web-camera, photo.
Added: 17.02.16, hits: 294, per week - 2 | Modify | Delete
Murmansk branch of public organization "All-Russia society of wildlife management " (VOOP)
The organization of movement of the public for healthy and favorable ecological conditions in the Russian Federation. About the organization. History. Activity. Projects. Competitions. Documents.
Added: 28.02.07, hits: 1977, per week - 3 | Modify | Delete
Determinant of seaweed of the Barents sea
Offered work gives representation about a variety of the seaweed growing in Barents sea, and also contains data on distribution, biological features and their use.
Added: 21.04.04, hits: 2246, per week - 2 | Modify | Delete
Especially protected natural territories in the Murmansk Region (Apatity)
Ecological and economical basement of new especially protected natural territories: national park "Êutsa", national park "Khibiny", ÎÎPÒ "Tersky coast", ÎÎPÒ "Lapland forest". Notices. Cartography materials.
Added: 23.07.02, hits: 2168, per week - 2 | Modify | Delete
The Kildin Island (Murmansk region)
The Kildin Island: history, location, people
Added: 06.09.07, hits: 1705, per week - 2 | Modify | Delete
Clearing constructions. MPK Ltd.
Designing, sale, commissioning, guarantee and postwarranty service of clearing constructions of sewage.
Added: 19.05.06, hits: 1500, per week - 2 | Modify | Delete
Nature and Youth
Murmansk regional youth public environmental organisation. Information. History. Activity. Projects. Partners. Publications.
Added: 12.01.04, hits: 2245, per week - 2 | Modify | Delete
Sami Fund for Nature (Olenegorsk)
The Foundation promotes the adoption in the community the ideals of humanism, unselfish mutual atmosphere of respect for the natural and cultural values of indigenous peoples.
Added: 31.03.10, hits: 6808, per week - 15 | Modify | Delete
Phytoplankton of the Barents Sea
The table of specific content of microphytoplankton of the Barents Sea, made on the base of literary sources and self-observations. Album with video of separate representatives of microalgae.
Added: 27.09.00, hits: 1398, per week - 1 | Modify | Delete
Flora of Murmansk Region
Information on the main types of plants of the Murmansk Region.
Added: 15.09.00, hits: 2222, per week - 2, Photo | Modify | Delete
Environmental Center
working on the development: normative documents in the field of environmental security, passport security of dangerous objects (PBOO)
plans for prevention and liquidation of oil spills of petroleum products (PLARN), plans to enhance protection of critical facilities (PTT CHED),
plans for liquidation of emergency situations (PLUS), etc.
Added: 06.12.09, hits: 1591, per week - 3 | Modify | Delete
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