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04.03 Finland has pretensions to the part of Russian territory in Karelian Republic and Murmansk Region

03.03 Group on power engineering reforming of the Murmansk region started functioning

03.03 In the near future tourist bus connections between Murmansk and Kirkenes can face serious problems

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« FEBRUARY, 2005»
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28      » News » Февраль 2005 » 14.02.2005 Print version

Monday, 14 February

Murmansk sea fishing port is intended to go on the regional market selling light oil products
"Murmansk sea fishing port" is intended to go on the regional market of the selling light oil products. At the present moment the enterprise owns two petrol stations, that has recently been used for the inner needs of the port itself, mainly due to the bad location. In the near future the petrol stations will be modernized.

Kola Nuclear Power Plant is going to modernize the equipment of ultrasonic control of the reactor frame
Kola Nuclear Power Plant is going to modernize the equipment of ultrasonic control of the reactor frame. In the department of metal controlling and diagnostics was held the first meeting, devoted to this problem.

The representatives of the Sweden Company WESTDINE TRM Mats Wendell and Horche Benitez worked on the Power plant for two days. They held meetings with the specialists from the department of metal controlling and diagnostics. The equipment, called "Siemen 2000" was put into operation in 1995. For the ten years the system has morally become obsolete and it doesn’t meet modern demands. The representatives of the company WESTDINE TRC examined the equipment, exploited on the Power Plant, got acquainted with the technical documents, manuals and methodic, used by the specialists of the department of metal controlling and diagnostics for the ultrasonic control of the reactor frame. The representatives of the Swedish company WESTDINE TRC considered the possible variants of use of different kinds of equipment, taking into consideration peculiarities of works on ultrasonic control on the Kola Nuclear Power Plant. According to the results of the visit was made the certificate on the further plan of works connected with modernizing of the ultrasonic control equipment.

The citizen of Murmansk Serge Rozkov won the golden medal on the seventh World Cup on biathlon in Italy
The citizen of Murmansk Serge Rozkov won his second medal, this time golden medal, on the seventh World Cup on biathlon in Italy. He was the first in 10 km sprint race. It is the first win of the sportsman from Murmansk this season. Nikolai Kruglov was the firth and Serge Chepikov was the fifth.

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