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« FEBRUARY, 2005»
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28      » News » Февраль 2005 » 17.02.2005 Print version

Thursday, 17 February

The events within the framework of the project "Living conditions for disabled people" are organized beyond the Polar Circle
On the 16th of February beyond the Polar Circle started the events, organized within the framework of the Russian-Swedish project "Living conditions for disabled people." For four days the specialists form the regional Labor and Social security committee together with the specialists from the Department of Disabled People Affairs from Luleo will visit different special establishments, situated in the region. In Kirovsk they will visit the Center of Family and Children Assistance, in Apatiti – psycho-neurological hostel, in Monchegorsk – Complex Center of Citizens’ Service. On Friday all participants of the Russian-Swedish conference are to arrive in Murmansk. Here they will discuss the laws, connected with the social security of disabled people, social security of elderly people and also such issues as rehabilitation and adaptation of disabled children are in the agenda.

The motor column – consisted of the participants of the winter car – racing "Expedition-trophy" – started its journey from Moscow to Murmansk
On the 16th of February from Moscow to Murmansk moved the column of cars. That is how the organizers of the winter car-racing "Expedition-trophy" gave start to rally Murmansk – Vladivistok, the prize fund of which is 15 kilos of gold. But it is not the only one peculiarity of the tournament. Along the parallel rout will be travelling an unusual train. The train "Expedition" might be called the real cultural project. Its task is not only to carry out the technical part of the event. Famous Russian people will become the guests of this train. Nikolay Drozdov, Nikolay Karachentsov, Oleg Mitjaev and many others will be its passengers. Everything here is organized in the way, the passengers feel comfortable, and the rout of the train is 20.000 km. But not only celebrities will be in this train. As the art-director of the project "Expedition trophy" Vladimir Monich explained: "There will be the carriage with the reserve participants – these are the girls from the whole country who had the special selection. According to the rules only these girls will have the right to substitute the participant of the trophy, who can’t continue to take part in it." The train departure from Murmansk, as well as the beginning of the race is to take place on the 23rd of February. Both the racers and the passengers will experience a lot of adventures. For instance the concert on ice of Lake Baikal. We wish all participants of "Expedition trophy" good journey.

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